Dating Age Range Calculator

Posted by Dinesh on

The majority of singles ages 40-69 are women.The profile of respondents on the next page closely reflects the characteristics of singles ages 40-69 in the general population. The imbalance in the ratio of single women and single men gets worse among sixty-year-olds, where there are more than two single women for every single man.

Characteristics of Daters

Perhaps believing that they still have half a lifetime ahead of them and looking for marriage, singles in their 40s are more likely to date than their older counterparts. Daters are those in an exclusive dating relationship or have dated one or more times in the past three years. The higher their incomes the more likely these singles are to date. Men, regardless of age, are slightly more likely to date than women (70% vs. 60%). However, women in their forties are more likely to date than women in their 50s and 60s. African Americans are slightly more likely to date than whites or Hispanics.

Types of Daters and Non-Daters

Their dating behavior also separates singles from each other in regard to some of their attitudes and other aspects of their lives. Singles ages 40-69 may be categorized into:

  • Exclusive daters: those dating someone exclusively or in a relationship (31%)
  • Non-exclusive daters: those who dated one or more persons in the past three years (32%), and who may be further characterized into frequent and infrequent daters
  • Interested daters: those who have not been dating but are interested in finding a date (13%)
  • Daters-in-waiting: those who have not been dating, not interested in finding a date, but will date if “the right person” comes along (14%)
  • Disinterested non-daters: would not date no matter what (9%)

This calculator calculates the dating age range(younger and older dating age range) using age values.

Dating Age Range (Half Age Plus Seven) Calculation


Younger Dater = A ÷ 2.0 + 7.0
Older Dater = (A - 7.0) x 2


A = Dater Age