Shack Hartmann Equation Calculator
Posted by Dinesh onOnline Shack Hartmann equation calculator to calculate the wavefront slope coming from the optical system.
Hartmann wavefront sensors are inherently slightly susceptible to intensity variations creating wavefront noise, but not through as many mechanisms as the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors. The Shack-Hartmann wavfront sensor uses a lenslet array to measure the wavefront slope coming from the optical system under test. Polynomial expansion can be used to retrieve the corresponding wavefront curvature. For this method, a Shack-Hartmann sensor is used to determine the radius of curvature R of the wavefront coming out of the test lens.

Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor Calculation
Z = source position,
Z0 = source position for a collimated beam,
L = distance between the wavefront sensor and the principal plane of the lens,
R = Radius of curvature of the wavefront coming out of the test lens, and
f = The focal length
Z = source position,
Z0 = source position for a collimated beam,
L = distance between the wavefront sensor and the principal plane of the lens,
R = Radius of curvature of the wavefront coming out of the test lens, and
f = The focal length