Therapeutic Index For Humans Calculator

Posted by Dinesh on

The therapeutic index is a quantitative measurement of the relative safety of a drug. It is a comparison of the amount of a therapeutic agent that causes the therapeutic effect to the amount that causes toxicity. The related terms therapeutic window or safety window refer to a range of doses which optimize between efficacy and toxicity, achieving the greatest therapeutic benefit without resulting in unacceptable side-effects or toxicity.

For many drugs, there are severe toxicities that occur at sublethal doses in humans, and these toxicities often limit the maximum dose of a drug. A higher therapeutic index is preferable to a lower one: a patient would have to take a much higher dose of such a drug to reach the toxic threshold than the dose taken to elicit the therapeutic effect.

This calculator calculates the therapeutic index using toxic dose, efficacious dose values.

Therapeutic Index For Humans Calculation


TI = TD50 ÷ ED50


TD50 is Toxic dose in 50% of subjects

ED50 is Efficacious dose in 50% of subjects

TI is Therapeutic index