Volume of The Aerobic Digester Calculator

Posted by Dinesh on

Use the simple aerobic digester calculator tool to calculate the volume of the aerobic digester for your stormwater, wastewater, and environmental protection problems in civil.

Volume of The Aerobic Digester Calculation

Influent average flow rate to the digester [Qi] (ft3/d (m3/d)) :
Influent suspended solids [Xi] (mg/L)
(50,000 mg/L for 5.0% solids) :
Digester total suspended solids [X] (mg/L) :
Reaction rate constant [Kd] d–1.
May range from 0.05 d–1 at 15°C (59°F) to 0.14 d–1 at 25°C (77°F):
Volatile fraction of digester suspended solids [Pv]:
(expressed as a decimal)
Solids retention time (sludge age in days) :
Volume of aerobic digester (ft3 (m3)):


V = (Qi × Xi) / (X × (Kd×Pv + 1θc) )

  • Qi = influent average flow rate to the digester
  • Xi = influent suspended solids
  • X = digester total suspended solids
  • Kd = reaction rate constant
  • Pv = volatile fraction of digester suspended solids
  • c = Solids retention time (sludge age), d
  • V = volume of aerobic digester